Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Every Cloud...

Today convinced me that every cloud really does have a silver lining. 

A few weeks ago, I was feeling pretty awful and went to the nearest town, Mbale, and got diagnosed with a stomach infection (H. Pylori). But the doctors administering the tests were so nice, and were very interested in the Peace Corps and the work we do here in Uganda! They offered to help in any way they could, so I asked them if they'd be willing to come give a health talk at my school. 

Today, these three doctors from the International Medical Centre in Mbale drove almost half an hour to our school! P6 and P7 are now well-versed in practicing good hygiene and both the prevention and recognizing the symptoms of malaria, cholera, and typhoid! 

The doctors also shared their own journeys into the medical profession. All three of them came from villages in Eastern Uganda, went to primary schools in their villages, and worked very hard to get into secondary school. One doctor said "I was even barefoot, like some of you. But you will all set goals and work hard. I am seeing here future presidents, ministers of government, doctors... You are laughing, but yes! I know you will be our good teachers, lawyers, engineers." 

Everyone walked away with a smile on their face, and I couldn't be more grateful to these wonderful doctors.


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Ronnie: Peace Corps
Volunteer in Uganda
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