Keep In Touch


Snail Mail:

(Even though I have internet access, letters are beautiful and special and I'll love you forever if you send me one! Also very welcome: chocolate, children's books, any flavor of oatmeal, cookies, anything from Starbucks (like their instant VIA things especially), and really anything else your heart wants to send me! Packages seem to be taking 2-3 weeks to get here, not bad at all!)

Ronnie Schinker 
💌 Mbale Post Office
P.O.Box 1189 Mbale
Uganda East Africa

(Uganda doesn't use zip codes)


  1. Ronnie,
    I hated it that Bruce and I couldn't make your going away party last week. I wanted to tell you how much I appreciated your sweet and generous spirit. It was a joy to know you even if briefly. I will be praying for you during this adventure in your life. Hopefully we will see you again in a few years!
    Also, I have never followed a blog before so you are the first! I look forward to hearing about your time in Uganda. If you need prayer for anything let me know.
    Pam Riddle
    One of your many SB fans!



Ronnie: Peace Corps
Volunteer in Uganda
Template by Ipietoon Cute Blog Design