Where Am I?

Uganda be kidding me! How am I supposed to know where Uganda is??

Image credit: http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/africa/ug.htm

Uganda is in East Africa. As you can see, it's right on the equator! However, thankfully, it's also at a high elevation so it's not very hot; 75 degrees is the average temperature. There are two seasons: rainy and dry.

Image credit: http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/africa/ug.htm

I'm not quite sure yet where exactly I'll be living in Uganda. I know that I'll be staying with a homestay family for the first few months, as I complete both my language training and my education training.

A short while into training, I'll get to visit a site somewhere within the country where a Volunteer is currently serving. I'll then get to preference which area of the country I'd like to be placed, bearing in mind that the most important attribute of Peace Corps is flexibility. That site is where I will spend the remainder of my two years in the country!

I will update this page once I know exactly where my site is!


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Ronnie: Peace Corps
Volunteer in Uganda
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