Monday, April 10, 2017

Book Box Update!

These kids love textbooks. Surprised? I know I was! When I was little, textbooks were just something heavy I had to carry around. But here, they're the most popular things on the shelf. 

Last week, one 6th grade boy spent an hour reading about volcanoes, and as he left the classroom I heard him explaining magma to his friends in expressive detail. Everyday I see kids exclaim over a new fact or picture and immediately hold up the book to share their findings with a friend across the table!

My school has no computers, no internet access. These students love to learn, and I get to watch their eyes brighten as they flip through the few beautiful Science Explorer and Eyewitness books that we have. They want to learn more about the world... but we need more books.

Friends, family, absolutely anyone reading this: here is a link to the Amazon wish list I've created for our school. Please, if you decide to help my students in their quest for knowledge, please only buy the used versions of these books! Shipping things here is expensive enough, used books are more than fine.

Thank you for reading this, and please don't hesitate to reach out to me or my parents if you'd like to help but can't afford to ship the book/s yourself, and we'll figure it out!


  1. Our next doctors, engineers, scientists, teachers and innovators! Love those smiles!



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