Saturday, November 19, 2016


Here's where I live right now! Muzardi: Mukono Agricultural Research and Development Institute
Muzardi has these adorable little gutters all around, which helps keep the path dry during the wet season. We're in the wet season right now, we've had quite a few thunderstorms so far, including one last night that caused us all to wake up and wonder if the windows were going to crash in. I loved it :)
This is in the girl's dorm. The blue barrel is always full of extra water for handwashing and such, in case we run out (which has happened a few times already), and that wonderful trough-like sink is where we do laundry!

There's this toilet, which I haven't been brave enough to use yet, since there are also a few western-style toilets.  This style toilet is what we'll most likely be using throughout the rest of the country, though. 
This water barrel is specifically for the toilet. Sometimes the water pressure is too low to flush it, so you just grab a bucket of water, pour it into the toilet, and it'll usually flush.

From what I've seen, Ugandans like to put little signs in random places, to prevent against any potential forgetfulness. 
And finally, where I sleep! Note the adorable turkey that my cousin Lucas gave me at my going away party, AND he has a matching one :)


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Ronnie: Peace Corps
Volunteer in Uganda
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