Monday, November 7, 2016

Leaving for Africa tomorrow!

Hello All!

I've been in Washington, D.C. since Saturday, preparing to leave for Uganda! While I already miss my friends and family, nothing about this decision feels wrong. I'm a bit nervous, but this path that I chose really feels right to me. I wouldn't be doing this if it didn't resonate to the very core (get it?) of my being.

"Staging" (preparation for service) has been fun! The people who are embarking on this journey with me all seem incredible, and I'm excited to get to know them better. I had promised to bring a cat carrier for a PCV (Peace Corps Volunteer) who is currently serving in Uganda, but it was taking up a lot of space in my bag. So one of my fellow Volunteers here, Randy, offered to take it off my hands (after everyone laughed at me for bringing a cat carrier, of course) so that he could use it as a carry-on! Because of that, I was able to stop by a used bookstore during lunch today and pick up a few more children's books to bring with me!

Adding a few more books to my collection!
I'm especially excited to have found "The Mountain Gorilla," because it mentions Uganda specifically as one of the few places that mountain gorillas can still call home! We were encouraged to bring picture books featuring diverse characters, so I also purchased "Seeds of Change" about Wangari Maathai (the founder of the Green Belt Movement in Kenya), "Nelson Mandela: A Long Walk to Freedom," and "Mama Panya's Pancakes" (about a group of friends getting together in Kenya).

As you can tell, I'm overwhelmingly excited! We leave the hotel at 4:30 tomorrow morning, and from there a bus will take us quite a ways to the airport. Our flight leaves at 10:30, and then we'll get to Ethiopia at 7:15am on Wednesday (Ethiopia is eight hours ahead of Nebraska). We fly out of Ethiopia at 10:10am and get to Entebbe, Uganda at 12:15pm. Please keep your fingers crossed for safe travels for all of us! That's all I have for now, but I'll try to keep this blog updated as much as I can!

My family for the next 27 months!


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Ronnie: Peace Corps
Volunteer in Uganda
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