Monday, February 13, 2017

Definitely, Definitely, Always Talk to Strangers

Today my hands are dirty but my heart is full! 

I was wandering past the motorcycle garage here on my way to get a chapati (pancake kind of bread) like I do almost every day, when I heard someone say "Amongin!" (which is my Ateso name) "Come here!" So I went over to this mechanic, and he gestures to the motorcycle he's working on and says "Do you want to learn this?" So I said "Sure!" and proceeded to spend the next two hours learning how to fix a motorcycle. Ben was the best teacher, explaining all of the parts to me and how they work together. 

And at one point, when I couldn't open the oil tank, he said "Yeah, it's difficult" and handed me a pair of pliers. No backing out of the tough things just because I'm a girl! And I made at least five new friends as people came over to see the "muzungu" (foreigner) trying to fix a motorcycle in a skirt. 

Every day is an adventure here, I absolutely love it!


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